We are a music group in Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill specializing in traditional and modern Nordic folk dance tunes. Our instrumentation includes fiddles, nyckelharpa, mandolin, cello, accordion, keyboard and light percussion. The dances are mostly couple turning dances that progress counter-clockwise around the room. Some date back hundreds of years.
For photos and videos, and possibly gig announcements, visit our Facebook page and our
Instagram page
Scandimonium in Midsommar video:
a 15-minute YouTube video, with music and some
This was made for Skandia Midsommarfest 2021,
hosted online by the Skandia Folkdance Society in
Seattle, WA.
Slängpolska efter Byss-Kalle // Music for a "fling" (släng) polska dance, with lots of couple rotation. Very popular in Sweden just now. From the playing of Väsen.
Gråtvalsen // The "Crying Waltz." We like to think that they are crying happy tears. By Ale Möller.
Griffenfeldt Reinlender // The reinlender is a brisk Norwegian dance blamed on the Germans (the Rheinland). From Väsen as well.
Halling från Härjedalen // An athletic men's dance that none of us can do. (To see why, search for "halling" on YouTube.) From the playing of lydia & Andrea.
Hökpers Vals // The second most beautiful Swedish waltz. Well, ALL of them are the second most beautiful, there is no first. By Lars Hökpers.
Karis Pers Polska // The most famous tune to accompany the Swedish national dance, the hambo, a kind of "polska" dance.
Norrsken // A Finnish fiddle tune, meaning "aurora borealis." Sounds like a hoedown, though. From Frigg.
Skräplands Schottis // The schottis is the Swedish version of the reinlender, only the Swedes choose to blame the Scottish. I blame the Russians. One more from Väsen, by Mikael Marin.
Polska efter Skrap-Olla // The Swedish "polska" and the Norwegian "pols" are what jigs and reels are to the Irish. The number of these tunes is legion. Also from lydia & Andrea.
Medley: Steffalekan / Seattlepols // Two Norwegian tunes for dancing the Rørospols (pols from the border village of Røros), perhaps the most popular dance in Scandinavia, as Swedes dig it, too.
Reinlender fra Valdres // Yet another cool tune from the playing of lydia & Andrea. Thanks, ladies!
To contact us: email jill @
-- we can put you on our Fans of Scandimonium email list if you like!